Miami, FL - 1,400,000 sqft.
Block 55 is a 1,400,000 SF mixed-use property with 250,000 SF of retail space, a 135,000 SF corporate office, 1000 parking spaces, and 578 affordable apartment units.
Hollywood, FL - 80,000 sqft. each (3x)
The Venture Corporate Centers development includes three 80,000 sqft. buildings that provide high quality office space in Hollywood, FL.
Chicago, IL - 700,000 sqft.
Triangle Plaza provides 700,000 gross square feet of luxury office space. Two twin, 14-story towers, situated on nine acres of land, are the international headquarters for the American National Can Company and Gorman Publishing as well as other nationally recognized tenants.
Hollywood, FL - 80,000 sqft. each (2x)
The Hollywood Suburban Buildings provide high-quality office space to the surrounding areas. With 80,000 sqft. per building, both buildings helped reduce commuter congestion by creating needed office space for local residents.